Due to an increased reliance on technology, hospitals, urgent care and other healthcare facilities have lost the ability to effectively bury paperwork that does not show them in a positive light. Pioneering medical malpractice attorneys understand the importance of an...
Year: 2018
Can Medical Negligence Be Prevented By Better Record-Keeping?
Many industries share an increased reliance on technology in their daily activities. From scheduling programs to digital record-keeping, health care professionals rely on computer-aided organization to stay focused on patient care and minimizing stress. But, are these...
5 Health Technology Hazards For 2019
Patients trust that hospitals are clean, organized and sterile. Unfortunately, there are numerous ways - even outside contracting additional illnesses - that people can become victims. Each year, the ECRI Institute's Health Devices Group identifies the top potential...
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Medicine
Individuals are becoming much more accustomed to having smart systems such as Siri, Alexa and Cortana provide assistance, guidance or advice on a daily basis. As this technology increases, more healthcare providers are exploring the viability of artificial...
Defensive Medicine: The Undoing of Sound Medical Practice
"I will prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone." Hippocrates. This is the oath that every physician is bound to follow. Over the years, however, some members of the medical profession have been...
Hospital negligence: Failing to perform due diligence when hiring
Negligently hiring a doctor or surgeon with a checkered past could result in a hospital being held liable for injuries that come to patients. Hospitals that don't consider the people they hire put their patients at risk, which is unacceptable. When a hospital is held...
What to know about physical therapy
After surgery, your primary source of information on your recovery tends to be your physical therapist. They know your timelines and recovery estimates and see you a few times a week. But is that enough for you to truly know how your recovery is progressing? Physical...
Heart Attack In Women – The Deadly Misdiagnosis
Nearly everyone in the United States has at least an anecdotal understanding of the symptoms of a heart attack. Whether it was a family member, a friend, a co-worker or a classmate everyone recognizes the classic symptoms - chest pain, shortness of breath, a numbing...
Failure To Monitor Pain Medication Can Lead To Medical Malpractice
Several times a year there are news stories highlighting a celebrity's addiction to prescription pain medication. Whether it is a sports star, a musician, an actor or another type of high-profile celebrity, these issues serve to highlight a larger problem throughout...
Lung Cancer Diagnosed or Else
Today, this year, there is little excuse for an individual to die as a result of a lung cancer not being diagnosed when proper diagnostic procedures are in place. Physicians' know that a patient who develops lung cancer and has it diagnosed at an early stage can be...