UNNECESSARY DEATHS Lee S. Goldsmith, M.D., LLB Every year thousands of individuals die of cancer that could have and should have been diagnosed earlier. The three most common cancers associated with unnecessary deaths and litigation are Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer and...
Medical malpractice: Communication errors can kill
The impact of miscommunication on medical services can be inconvenient at best and, in the worst-case scenarios, fatal. Whether the medical staff is noting symptoms, charting diagnostic results or preparing a patient for transfer to a different facility, communicative...
3 most common surgical errors
No matter the complexity of the surgical procedure, patients trust they will be cared for in a professional manner. Unfortunately, numerous errors can be caused by an incorrect diagnosis, poor communication or mistakes by a highly-trained surgical staff. While there...
The Prevention of adverse drug events (ADE)
In the past, we’ve discussed common adverse drug events (ADE) and the risk factors associated with them. While these ADEs can represent serious harm for patients, there are several steps that numerous medical professionals can take to ensure the health and safety of...
What is an Adverse Drug Event (ADE)?
Millions of Americans depend on medication to prevent a worsening condition, alleviate the symptoms of a disease or simply maintain daily health. Unfortunately, medication errors, adverse drug reactions, allergic reactions and overdoses are adverse drug events (ADE)...
FDA warns breast implants linked to rare form of cancer
The AP (2/7, Perrone) reports the Food and Drug Administration issued a letter warning health care professionals "to be on the lookout for a rare cancer linked to breast implants after receiving more reports of the disease." The AP adds that breast implant-associated...
Are concussion misdiagnoses common in emergency departments?
An injury that requires a trip to the emergency room is likely serious and quite concerning. When an emergency or urgent care staff fails to correctly diagnose your condition, it can lead to worsening symptoms and dramatic changes. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon...
E-Discovery in the Realm of Medical Malpractice
Due to an increased reliance on technology, hospitals, urgent care and other healthcare facilities have lost the ability to effectively bury paperwork that does not show them in a positive light. Pioneering medical malpractice attorneys understand the importance of an...
Can Medical Negligence Be Prevented By Better Record-Keeping?
Many industries share an increased reliance on technology in their daily activities. From scheduling programs to digital record-keeping, health care professionals rely on computer-aided organization to stay focused on patient care and minimizing stress. But, are these...
5 Health Technology Hazards For 2019
Patients trust that hospitals are clean, organized and sterile. Unfortunately, there are numerous ways - even outside contracting additional illnesses - that people can become victims. Each year, the ECRI Institute's Health Devices Group identifies the top potential...