Once again, we are confronted with the fact that there are repeat offenders practicing medicine. As we always do, during our investigation, we go online to the New Jersey State Board of Medical examiners web site and check the credentials of physicians who may be...
Medical Claims A To Z #25 Lee S. Goldsmith, M.D, LLB Jordan S. Goldsmith, JD
Whether you realize it or not you are in some circumstances considered a “$” before you are considered a patient. You are for some strictly a source of money with little concern for your wellbeing. An article in the New York Times on Sunday July 16, 2023, referred to...
Medical Claims A to Z #17 Litigation Funding Yes Or No? Lee S. Goldsmith, M.D., JD Jordan S. Goldsmith, JD
As an attorney we are prohibited from advancing money to a client to assist them in lasting through the long years of the litigation. However, some clients who are injured cannot survive on savings or SSI and often need assistance. CBS 60 Minutes ran a program on...
I am frequently asked: How is it possible to miss a fracture? My response: Simple. At the time of the initial film the injury may not have been visible on the films. A fall may have occurred, or the individual may have been in an automobile accident and suffered...
Medical Claims A To Z #15 Longest Trial Lee S. Goldsmith, M.D., LLB
If you are going to represent patients in medical malpractice actions you have to be prepared, with every case taken, that you may have to try the case in court. The attorney who is not prepared to try the case, does not prepare properly and the case will either be...
Stroke Patient To The Hospital Lee S. Goldsmith, M.D. Jordan Goldsmith
The public service announcements routinely advise the audience that if you are with someone who suddenly collapses, who might develop a slurring of speech, a weakness in an extremity, develops blurry vision—-call 911. Get that person to the hospital and fast. The...
Medical claims A to Z #7
WHO IS TREATING YOU? Emergency Room Hazards LEE S. GOLDSMITH, M.D., LLB You go to an Emergency Room, you are need of care—-What care will you get? What care should you expect? Obviously the care that you will get and should expect is going to be dependent on where you...
Medical Claims A To Z #6
NOT YOUR REGULAR CASE SURPRISING TWIST LEE S. GOLDSMITH, M.D., LLB Over the years we have handled many cases in which there was a failure to diagnosis breast cancer due to a radiologists failure to appropriately read and interpret either a mammogram or an ultrasound....