Nursing homes provide a vital service in our communities. They ensure our loved ones receive skilled care around the clock, meet their nutritional needs and encourage them to socialize with their peers. The staff at nursing homes know you are entrusting them with your...
Medical Malpractice
4 types of wrong-site surgery
In the medical profession, wrong-site surgery is considered a "never event"—something that should never happen under any circumstances. However, it still occurs, typically due to human error. For instance, miscommunication between medical professionals can result in...
3 ways subconscious sexism can affect medical care
Human interactions differ based on the characteristics and experiences of the people involved. That is as true for an encounter between strangers on the street as it is for those seeking medical care. Characteristics over which a patient has no control can influence...
Will brachial palsy sustained at birth have long-term effects?
If your newborn baby suffered brachial palsy during childbirth due to negligence by the medical team, you may be wondering what the future looks like for them. Brachial palsy occurs when the nerves controlling movement and sensation in the arm and hand are damaged,...
Copy-paste errors in EHRs put patients in danger
Electronic health records (EHRs) were supposed to transform patient care. To some extent, they have – but not always been for the better. While EHRs have streamlined communication between practices when they have compatible systems and made information much more...
The 4 elements of medical malpractice
A medical malpractice case happens when a doctor’s negligence harms a patient. This doesn’t mean that all non-optimal outcomes qualify as malpractice. A patient could pass away from an ailment simply because their condition is too serious, even though the doctors did...
Could a hospital-acquired infection indicate medical negligence?
Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), are infections patients acquire at healthcare facilities while receiving treatment for other conditions. HAIs often result from the transmission of pathogens within the hospital environment. The common types include urinary tract...
How much can you recover with a medical malpractice claim?
As a victim of medical malpractice in New Jersey, the potential compensation you can recover depends on the unique aspects of your case. Before getting to that, it’s important to understand the damages you are entitled to, as they will inform the value of your claim....
Did your child sustain facial nerve palsy due to birth trauma?
Facial nerve palsy (the inability to move muscles on one or both sides of the face due to nerve damage) is one of the most commonly reported birth injuries. This can occur just before or at the time of delivery. Here is what to know about this birth injury: Causes...
Blindness after birth: Could it be medical malpractice?
Bringing new life into the world is a momentous occasion that is often filled with hope and anticipation. Unfortunately, some parents’ joy may be cut short due to complications arising during the birth of their child. Sometimes, such complications are quickly...