Medication errors come in many forms, and they often occur when a doctor initially prescribes a drug. However, mistakes can also happen while a patient receives a medication or when it is time to stop their treatment. Doctors often need to be very careful about ending...
Month: December 2023
Communication errors in a hospital setting
Medical malpractice happens for numerous different reasons. In some cases, doctors just make negligent mistakes. They could also make an incorrect diagnosis or miss a diagnosis that they should’ve made. Many different types of medical malpractice can cause serious...
Medical Claims A To Z Repeat Offender October 2023 Lee S. Goldsmith, M.D., LLB Jordan Goldsmith, JD
Once again, we are confronted with the fact that there are repeat offenders practicing medicine. As we always do, during our investigation, we go online to the New Jersey State Board of Medical examiners web site and check the credentials of physicians who may be...
What to know about failure to refer
When a patient visits a doctor, a serious problem that is out of the physician's expertise may be uncovered. For example, a patient may visit a doctor because of a migraine, but tests can show signs of a brain tumor. In such an instance, the doctor is required to...