While a birth is a happy occasion for many families, there are some who have to deal with the death of the new mother. You may not want to think about this happening to you, but planning ahead and being proactive may be the best way to ensure it does not.
WebMD reports that death after giving birth often happens because doctors ignore warning signs that something is wrong. The most common causes of death are stroke, heart disease, blood loss and infection.
Not enough follow up
Many of the maternal deaths happen in the year following a birth, but experts still consider these birth-related deaths. Part of the reason they happen is that doctors do not offer proper follow-up visits or monitoring of the changes in your body after you give birth. You may not even realize something you feel is a symptom of a bigger issue, but your doctor should if he or she is properly managing your health after birth.
Increase in care
You will have to be your own advocate after birth. Make sure that you insist on follow-up visits that occur multiple times throughout the year after you give birth, especially if you have a known health condition. You should ask about blood pressure monitoring, too, as high blood pressure is often a symptom many women experience prior to a post-natal death.
Prenatal care also plays an important role in your health after birth. Women who have proper prenatal care often avoid complications during and after delivering. Make sure that you have regular check-ups and that the doctor assesses your health at every visit. Your doctor also should talk with you about warning signs of potential issues you may experience after birth so that you can react quickly if you experience them.