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Potential signs of cerebral palsy

On Behalf of | Oct 5, 2021 | Medical Malpractice

A few different factors can cause cerebral palsy, but it often stems from a lack of oxygen during birth. This can, in some cases, be caused when a doctor makes a mistake. 

For instance, the child’s position during birth can be such that it cuts off the airflow. Doctors need to recognize this and do what they can to fix the position during birth. If a doctor negligently misses the problem and takes no steps to fix it, the child’s lack of oxygen can lead to permanent brain damage. 

How can you tell?

Immediately, it may be hard to tell if the child has cerebral palsy or not. Many signs and symptoms are hidden due to the infant’s age. As such, parents need to look for signs as the child grows older. Examples of some things that could signify cerebral palsy include the following:

  • The muscles feel wrong, leading to them being too stiff or too floppy. 
  • The child struggles with basic movements, like holding up their head. 
  • The child can’t use their hands properly; for instance, they may struggle to bring them together. 
  • The child begins missing milestones, such as rolling over, crawling or learning to walk. 
  • The child often makes a fist with one hand and only uses the other hand. 
  • When the child does learn to crawl, it favors one side and is lopsided. 

As you can see, it can take weeks or months before you see some of these symptoms. If you do and your child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, though, you may need to look into your legal options