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Medical Malpractice
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Medical Malpractice
Attorneys And Trained

Trust our firm to deliver exceptional client service no matter how complex your medical malpractice case is.

Common surgical errors in the operating room

On Behalf of | Jul 25, 2022 | Surgical Errors

Despite the laws and strict standards protecting patients from medical malpractice, thousands of cases occur annually across the country. Many of those patients are victims of negligence in the operating room. For most of them, life is never the same.

A botched surgery can leave you with a disability, not to mention the emotional and physical anguish it can cause you. On top of that are the financial implications of getting corrective care.

What could go wrong during surgery?

Surgeries are invasive procedures, and even minor mistakes could prove deadly. For instance, forgetting a surgical instrument in your body, such as cotton wool or a blade, could lead to a life-threatening infection. 

Similarly, if surgery was conducted on the wrong body part due to a patient file mix-up, it can be months before you recover, and even then, you still have to undergo the correct procedure.

Other scenarios include:

  • A damaged nerve during surgery
  • Administering too much or insufficient anesthesia
  • Development of post-surgery infections

Such errors can arise from inexperience by the surgical team, fatigue, miscommunication or even sheer negligence. It is only fair that you get compensation from the responsible party.

Are you a victim of botched surgery?

If you develop complications after an operation, it may be due to negligence by the people tasked with giving you reasonable care. You might have a valid medical malpractice claim.

However, it is crucial to be aware of the steps you need to take in holding the healthcare provider responsible, including filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. It may not be so straightforward, given the complexities of medical procedures. 

Having experienced counsel by your side will help you safeguard your rights and get justice as you navigate the complex claims process associated with medical negligence cases.