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Attorneys And Trained

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Why do aneurysms get misdiagnosed?

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2023 | Medical Malpractice, Misdiagnosis

A brain aneurysm is a health condition that requires urgent medical care and attention. However, doctors could misdiagnose this health issue or fail to notice it during a patient’s initial consultation. Sometimes, the patient agonizes because of the incorrect diagnosis, leading to extended suffering due to symptoms and worsening of their overall condition.

An untreated aneurysm could also rupture, causing a stroke due to internal bleeding in the brain. Unfortunately, misdiagnosis for this health condition could happen because it shares symptoms with other mild illnesses, such as migraines, ear infections or the flu.

A patient with a brain aneurysm could exhibit a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Intense and unusual headaches
  • Pain radiating behind the patient’s eyes
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Vision blurriness or loss
  • Unusual sensitivity to light
  • Paralysis or stiffness on one arm, leg or side of the patient’s face
  • Neck stiffness
  • Sudden issues with performing essential body functions, such as walking or speaking

Additionally, doctors might only consider an aneurysm possible after receiving the patient’s CT, MRI or MRA scan results. Other diagnostic tests or procedures could be inadequate to detect it. Still, this health issue could be treatable if caught early, making proper diagnosis a critical factor.

Treatment requires an accurate diagnosis

There are multiple ways to treat aneurysms based on severity. Most mild cases could require monitoring while controlling various risk factors. Meanwhile, worse cases might call for open surgery or coiling. However, doctors might only be able to determine the appropriate treatment plan after diagnosing the condition correctly.

Medical practitioners follow standard procedures to care for patients and detect severe health issues like aneurysms. It could be medical malpractice if they misdiagnose due to negligence or failure to follow proper protocol. If so, the patient could file a claim to pursue compensation.