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Medical Malpractice
Attorneys And Trained

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Tactics used to avoid wrong-site surgery

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2025 | Surgical Errors

Wrong-site surgery can be an absolutely devastating mistake for a patient. It can cause long-term complications that they may never recover from. It also means they do not receive the proper treatment they need.

However, medical teams can use various tactics to prevent this type of mistake. Below are a few examples.

Verifying with the patient

First, it is wise for the medical team to verify the patient’s identity, the surgery they are expecting and where they believe it will be performed. While this is not always possible due to anesthesia, it should be done whenever feasible. Sometimes, asking a simple question can prevent a serious mistake.

Avoiding rushing

It is also crucial for medical teams to avoid rushing whenever possible. For instance, before the surgery begins, the team should pause for a moment to double-check all medical records and documentation. If they focus solely on completing the procedure as quickly as possible, errors are more likely to occur.

Marking the surgical site

Another common tactic is for surgeons to mark the correct site, such as writing their initials on the patient’s knee before knee surgery. This allows for an additional verification step with the patient beforehand and provides one last confirmation before the procedure begins.

Unfortunately, wrong-site surgery and other forms of medical malpractice do still occur. Those who have been injured should be aware of all their legal options. They may be able to seek substantial financial compensation for things like additional medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering or even a life-long disability caused by the wrong-site surgery.