When you visit a doctor, it is because you need their expert advice. While you might be able to guess what is wrong with you, they are the ones who spent years studying and practicing medicine. So, if they tell you not to worry, chances are, you will likely believe...
Year: 2020
Why do medication errors happen?
We've talked before about the consequences of medication errors, but never why they happen in the first place. To err is human. That is the title of an Institute of Medicine report into medication errors. When you're a doctor or a pharmacist, however, a mistake when...
People in the hospital get hurt due to staff medication mistakes
When you have to stay in the hospital, you probably assume you will get a better standard of care than you could provide for yourself at home. There will be someone else there to monitor you and ensure you receive the right treatment. Unfortunately, medical...
The wrong dose of pain medication can be deadly
If you were to ask a doctor about the most important medical advances in recent decades, they will probably reference a cutting-edge procedure or medication in their field of expertise. However, if you push them from the most important general advances, improvements...
How digital charts set patients up for substandard care
The medical industry had high hopes for switching over from written charts to electronic charts once computers became the most desirable and safest way to store data. Written medical charts created all kinds of issues. They made it difficult for one doctor to share...
What’s a pharmacist’s role in preventing dangerous drug interactions?
The government limits access to prescription medications or controlled substances for the safety of the public. Many of these medications could harm someone if used improperly. They can also lead to addiction. Patients in need of medical treatment have protection both...
Did my doctor make a mistake?
After a diagnosis or surgery, it can be hard to know if your doctor made a grave mistake. Even when doctors do make a mistake, they are often quick to cover it up with additional treatments, or otherwise skirting around the issue. It is hard for a patient to recognize...
Will your surgeon tell you about operating room mistakes?
You expect competence from your surgeon and his or her operating room team. You also expect that your surgeon will tell you if the worst happens and something goes wrong before, during or after your surgery. Unfortunately, however, you cannot count on this. As...
What are some breaches of doctor-patient confidentiality?
As a patient, you require a certain amount of privacy and support from your medical care professional. Breaches of this trust are serious, and can stem from lack of supervision of medical staff to disregard for the law. Expectations of privacy According to FindLaw,...
What could cause maternal death following a birth?
While a birth is a happy occasion for many families, there are some who have to deal with the death of the new mother. You may not want to think about this happening to you, but planning ahead and being proactive may be the best way to ensure it does not. WebMD...